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Main - League Help

Re: Team Details / Draft / Restrictions

By Kababmaster - League Admin
1/15/2024 3:59 pm
Hi All,

League admin, will it be okay to change team names / nicknames / colours etc. Can you do this on request please?

Also, it says that the draft will spin Tues/Wednesday, is this the case?...Or do we need more coaches?

Finally, will there be any restrictions in this league?

Last edited at 1/15/2024 4:01 pm

Re: Team Details / Draft / Restrictions

By Stevensn
1/15/2024 4:34 pm
Hey guys,

Team details set for now, but can be addressed in the future.

I think now that we have over half league ownership, we are set for the draft to begin in about 36 hours.

No hard restrictions right now, just keep it classy and play with integrity.

If there is anything that comes up or needs to be discussed, bring it to league attention and we can put it to league vote to take action if needed.
