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League Forums

Main - League Matchmaking

Re: Galactic Football League

By GtR47
7/12/2022 11:22 am
Delayed. Draft will be in 2 days if we can fill it before then..

We only need 5 GMs to fill.

Teams Available:

CoRoT-7b Vrauqnux -
GJ 1214 b Leviathan -
Kepler-62f Reticulans -
Eschebone Obsidian -
Poltergeist Pulsars -

Re: Galactic Football League

By GtR47
7/16/2022 8:26 am
Draft is Monday. No more delaying. We have 5 teams to hopefully fill this weekend. Join!

Re: Galactic Football League

By GtR47
7/18/2022 7:43 am
Draft started. 4 teams open.

Re: Galactic Football League

By GtR47
7/21/2022 8:38 am
16 rounds of the draft done. Draft picks back up tomorrow morning. Still time to request a team and build a good roster. 3 teams available.

Re: Galactic Football League

By GtR47
7/22/2022 7:28 am
Hey. Join. Thanks.

Re: Galactic Football League

By kalvin1991
2/05/2025 4:33 am
This is one of the most insane football idea ever. I was mostly into the story about the confict whether than the league. Love it lol